Tuesday 24 October 2017

            Build A School

Education is a cornerstone of our religion.
When Jibreel (Alayhi Salaam) was sent by Allah (Subhan Allah wa ta’aala) to the       Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), the first word he uttered was “Iqra” which means, “read/recite” – A Divine revelation which showed guidance.
Across the world children are denied the basic human right of education. Without the access of education, how will the children of our future have guidance?
This is a great opportunity to invest for the hereafter by donating generously for the sake of Allah (Subhan Allah wa ta’aala). Imagine the rewards you will be able to reap by providing schools for children of the future. Not only will they be taught academic studies, but also morals and principles in Islam which will be passed down to generations to generations.                            Knowledge is the key to success.

          Build A Water Well

There are millions dying each year due to dirty water.The fact that you are reading this via the internet gives me the assumption that you probably have easy access to some clean water, whether it’s in the kitchen or that bottle of water in the fridge at the cafĂ©. According to Islamic Relief, “the average distance women in Africa walk to collect water is 6 km” When’s the last time you walked 6km, for water? There are many heartbreaking stories where Mothers leave their family behind in search for water. Only a handful succeed, out of which many return to their children passing away.
Water is a gift from Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala), we must show gratitude to Him.
“Again, tell me about the water you drink: Is it you who have brought it down from the clouds, or are We the One who sends (it) down? If We so will, We can make it bitter in taste. So why do you not offer gratitude?” – Surah Al-Waqiah (verse v68 – 70)
“Whosoever digs a well will receive reward for that from Allah on the Day of Judgement when anyone amongst jinn, men and birds drink from it” – Bukhari and Muslim
To dig a well in a locality where water is inadequate is everlasting reward, inshaa Allah.
And Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala) knows best.

Build A Mosque

Whether you physically help your community by building the bricks or donating towards it, a mosque is a central place of worship for the community; it is the House of Allah    (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala).
A mosque is the best of places. It is more blessed and virtuous than all other places. The Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said:
“The most beloved of places to Allah is the mosque, and the most detested of places to Allah is the marketplace.” [Sahih Muslim]
A famous hadith which I’m sure you’ve come across is when The Prophet (Sallallaahu-‘alayhe wa sallam) said:
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.”              [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
SubhaanAllah. Look at the great reward available purely for the sake of Allah           (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala).
Some more ideas that can be given as Sadaqah Jariyah towards a Mosque:
  • Prayer mat – Worshippers come to pray and every time they do, you will be rewarded (insha Allah). Peak times during Fridays, Ramadhan & Eid are pretty much guaranteed that the prayer mat(s) you donated will be in use.
  • Donating copies of The Qur’an, Hadith books – Just imagine if one worshipper memorises a Surah from The Qur’an that you donated, and he recites it in Salaah AND most importantly, he acts upon the Divine Message sent from Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’ala) in those verses of the Surah. Imagine if he teaches his family & friends..! The chain of rewards will lead back to you!
Other ways to contribute towards building a Mosque:
  • Ablution taps & wash facilities
  • Microphone & sound system
  • Utility maintenance including heat & electricity
  • Madrasah (School) for children
  • Islamic studies for all ages
  • Matrimonial services
  • Jurisprudence and advice
  • Youth outreach programmes
  • Shelter
  • Da’wah projects, including new Muslim circles
  • Funeral services
  • Security systems
To be honest, anything you spend towards the mosque, for the sake of Allah (Subhan-Allaah wa ta’aala), with the intention of Sadaqah Jariyah is immense.
And Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala) knows Best.

                                               PLANT A TREE

Planting trees is a virtuous act and holds reward as promised by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), just like Anas (Radi-Allahu ‘annhu) narrated from the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam),
“There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person, or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him.”
The closest Companions of our Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) would plant trees. In fact, Abu Darda, (Radi-Allahu ‘anhu) reports that whilst in Damascus he was planting a tree and someone passed by. “You are the companion of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) and you are busy in this!” Abu Darda (Radi-Allahu ‘anhu) replied, “Don’t be impatient” and narrated what he heard the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said about planting a tree (similar narration as mentioned above).
 Many of us can take trees for granted which is a shame as they bring great benefits. Trees provide a habitat for wildlife, they improve the quality of air, they provide shade, they provide comfort, they can provide privacy for many. And let’s not forget, trees are indeed beautiful. They can easily beautify a landscape scenery; even with modern day buildings. Thus, planting a tree is recognised as sadaqah jariyah as it brings great benefits to humans, animals and nature as a whole.
And Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala) knows best.

Sunday 10 September 2017


Sadaqah Jariyah is a form of ongoing charity which will keep earning you rewards for as long as other people benefit from your charity. Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said something similar to:
"When a man dies all his good deeds come to an end except three: Ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who prays for him." [Sahih Muslim]


Sadaqatul Jariyah Investment solely works on Sadaqah Jariyah projects to provide you opportunities to be involved in deeds that will benefit you even after your death, inshaAllah.
Sadaqatul jariyah is ongoing charity (continuous rewards) received by us (for good actions and deeds), that will not only benefit us in this life, but will continue to benefit us after our death.

Below given are some good actions and deeds that which will outlive you Insha Allah.
1. Donate and/or actively participate in building of a Mosque.
2. Building or donating to build an Orphanage.
3. Raising, full or part sponsoring an orphan. ( Orphan Sponsorship )
4. Teach someone to recite Quran,
5. Give copies of the Holy Quran and each time they read from it, you will receive Hasanat.
6. Donating to build a school.
7. Give away Islamic reading materials.
8. Teach someone to recite Dua and/or Dhikr ( Remembrance of Allah ) and each time it is recited, you will gain Hasanat.
9. Share via online or give Dua or Quran CDs
10. Donate wheel chair to Hospital and when sick persons use it you will gain Hasanat.
11. Building or donating to build a Dispensary, Hospital
12. Help a child to continue his or her Education.
13. Donate to dig and build water wells or construct
Help build water wells or construct water tanks )
14. Plant trees or donate for this cause,

15. Place a water cooler in a public place.