Tuesday 24 October 2017

          Build A Water Well

There are millions dying each year due to dirty water.The fact that you are reading this via the internet gives me the assumption that you probably have easy access to some clean water, whether it’s in the kitchen or that bottle of water in the fridge at the café. According to Islamic Relief, “the average distance women in Africa walk to collect water is 6 km” When’s the last time you walked 6km, for water? There are many heartbreaking stories where Mothers leave their family behind in search for water. Only a handful succeed, out of which many return to their children passing away.
Water is a gift from Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala), we must show gratitude to Him.
“Again, tell me about the water you drink: Is it you who have brought it down from the clouds, or are We the One who sends (it) down? If We so will, We can make it bitter in taste. So why do you not offer gratitude?” – Surah Al-Waqiah (verse v68 – 70)
“Whosoever digs a well will receive reward for that from Allah on the Day of Judgement when anyone amongst jinn, men and birds drink from it” – Bukhari and Muslim
To dig a well in a locality where water is inadequate is everlasting reward, inshaa Allah.
And Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala) knows best.

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