Tuesday 24 October 2017

Build A Mosque

Whether you physically help your community by building the bricks or donating towards it, a mosque is a central place of worship for the community; it is the House of Allah    (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala).
A mosque is the best of places. It is more blessed and virtuous than all other places. The Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said:
“The most beloved of places to Allah is the mosque, and the most detested of places to Allah is the marketplace.” [Sahih Muslim]
A famous hadith which I’m sure you’ve come across is when The Prophet (Sallallaahu-‘alayhe wa sallam) said:
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.”              [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
SubhaanAllah. Look at the great reward available purely for the sake of Allah           (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala).
Some more ideas that can be given as Sadaqah Jariyah towards a Mosque:
  • Prayer mat – Worshippers come to pray and every time they do, you will be rewarded (insha Allah). Peak times during Fridays, Ramadhan & Eid are pretty much guaranteed that the prayer mat(s) you donated will be in use.
  • Donating copies of The Qur’an, Hadith books – Just imagine if one worshipper memorises a Surah from The Qur’an that you donated, and he recites it in Salaah AND most importantly, he acts upon the Divine Message sent from Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’ala) in those verses of the Surah. Imagine if he teaches his family & friends..! The chain of rewards will lead back to you!
Other ways to contribute towards building a Mosque:
  • Ablution taps & wash facilities
  • Microphone & sound system
  • Utility maintenance including heat & electricity
  • Madrasah (School) for children
  • Islamic studies for all ages
  • Matrimonial services
  • Jurisprudence and advice
  • Youth outreach programmes
  • Shelter
  • Da’wah projects, including new Muslim circles
  • Funeral services
  • Security systems
To be honest, anything you spend towards the mosque, for the sake of Allah (Subhan-Allaah wa ta’aala), with the intention of Sadaqah Jariyah is immense.
And Allah (Subhan Allaah wa ta’aala) knows Best.

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